Thursday, March 17, 2011

Magazine Cover Mind Map

Today we were told to create a mind map for our next project which will be to design a magazine cover.


Who is the target audience? Girls/Young women around the ages 16-25.

What is the name of your magazine? Why? Connotations? TrapGirl. I was thinking of naming it this because it is going to focus on trapshooting and the sport it has become. It will try to intrigue girls and young women to take up this sport and hobby.

What will your masthead look like? Do you have any ideas for fonts? I was thinking about making it be a bold serif type face.

What images will be on the cover and why? Images on the cover will probably include a girl dressed in the attire it requires to shoot, and maybe shooting in action.

What will be your sell lines to entice your target audience? The olympics. Trapshooting today and how competitive it has become

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